I guarantee to offer a PERSONALLY TAILORED SERVICE so that no two events are the same and to ensure your special day is exactly what YOU want it to be! I have been providing DJ services for private and corporate events for over 20 years. My attention to detail and customer service has made me a well-known DJ within the North London community, as well as around the UK and overseas. Having provided entertainment at events all over the UK and abroad, including Cyprus, Greece, France, Switzerland, Sicily and Hungary, the client is always at the centre of every event.
Why choose DJ Sooty
Music Styles
I specialise in many genres of music to cater for any party. From 70s/80s Disco & Soul, Motown, 90s Pop, Old Skool RnB, Garage, Bashment, House, Club Classics, Current Chart, Latin, Arabic, Punjabi, and not forgetting the Greek: New and Classic Greek Music, including Chiftetelia, Arabika, Zeimbekika/Vareda, Sousta, Zorba, Pentozali, Kalamatiano, and more.
My Love For Music
Just like you, I have been listening to music since I can remember. I took this love for music to the next level and started DJing over 20 years ago. It’s not just one type of music either; I love music from all different cultures—English, Greek, Spanish, Arabic, and Italian, to name just a few.
Radio Presenter
I had my own radio show on LGR (London Greek Radio) called Ela Pame for over five years. Since leaving LGR in 2019, I’ve focused on my family and my work. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I set up a live show called Sooty FM on Facebook and Instagram to help spread positive vibes throughout the community all over the world! It’s a family show hosted by me, my co-host and wife, DJ Blondie, and our kids.
Word of Mouth
I believe in word of mouth being the best form of advertising and have relied on my hard work and my music to spread the word about my DJ service. I offer a tailor-made service for every private event so that your party is exactly what YOU want it to be. Read through my testimonials to see what others have said and think about the events I have done.
Platinum Package

Gold Package

© 2024 DJ Sooty